Frontline news : from Canada, where docs get tested in 5 mins, texted result in a few hours, vs Perth GP who still can’t get staff tested tho the Health Dept says they can. I reckon the GP is telling the truth. Can’t implement = system failed.

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Had a chat to a good friend who is an Anaesthetist too, works on the front line in Canada.

Canada has 107 cases per million population (4043, 39 deaths)
Australia has 120 cases per million population (3050, 13 deaths)

His hospital fully prepped 2 weeks ago.
All frontline staff in droplet PPE for every patient.
All patients coming in to hospital for anything (eg appendix, heart attack) are tested, all staff have 4 hour turnaround testing for themselves available 24/7 at their discretion.
My friend has had 2 tests this week as he has had a bit of a cold. All good to keep intubating.
3000 prepped beds waiting for respiratory cases, already with staff who are using this time to train train train.

Vancouver is a ghost town, everyone but essential is locked down like NZ.

Frontline is apprehensive but feeling well supported by the Government.

Very few on frontline in WA or elsewhere around the country have confidence that they have the gear or testing that they need.

This from a GP in Perth:

“Are you aware That:
COVID Clinics in WA will test Health Department Health Workers Only, they will not test GPs and their staff who have fever like symptoms and patient contact to exclude Coronavirus. Can you believe it?
This is how your Government is helping your GPs to help the community and the vulnerable.
I had one of our staff declined swab today, despite presenting with a fever of > 38.5 and working at GP clinic for the above mentioned reasons. The staff at COVID clinic at SCGH said the instruction are verbal and refused to give us any thing in writing.
This is appalling !!!!

Director and practice principle of two private GP practices

anonymised by drajm

Before you say again that we are taking the best medical advice, please disclaim that this advice is then put through a political process at state and national level. And consider that Canada who is not at a very different place on the curve to us, has some pretty good medical advice available as well.
And the doctors there who have to do the job feel confident and supported, as their main remaining fear is. the virus itself, not that they wont have the training or gear they need.

Be Canada, not the USA.

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